Town Clerk
Friendly, Courteous, Quality Service is the goal of my office.
Notary Public ~ Passport Acceptance Agent ~ Records Access/Management Officer
(315) 673-4144 FAX (315) 673-9835
Tuesday and Wednesday 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
KAYLA RAMSDEN, Deputy Town Clerk
- secretary to the Town Board by recording and maintaining the minutes of each Town Board meeting
- publish legal notices for hearings, bids, meetings
- handle correspondence and filings as needed for the Town Board
issue permits and maintain permit records for the Transfer Station
maintain the usage schedule for the community meeting room
keep the financial records on all Building Department activity as well as the financial records for the Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Board
process all bills for submission to the Town Board for approval of payment
day to day business of the Town, such as providing answers or who to contact for information if it is available
Marriage licenses must be obtained at least 24 hours before but no more than 60 days before the ceremony. The fee for a marriage license issued in the Town of Spafford is $45, (includes one Certified Transcript). YES, both of you must be present to apply.
Please bring:
- original or certified copy of your birth certificate,
- your driver's license,
- if applicable, your most recent divorce documents. We appreciate appointments.
Information sheet for application - each spouse should complete one.

PERMANENT DISABILITIES may be certified by a Medical Doctor (MD), Doctor of Osteopathy (DO), Physician Assistant (PA), Nurse Practioner (NP), a Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM - for disabilities related to the foot), or Optometrist (OD - for blindness).
TEMPORARY DISABILITIES may be certified ONLY by a Medical Doctor or Doctor of Osteopathy.
To apply for a parking tag bring a completed application, (we need page 3 only) and your Driver's License.
Permanent tags are issued for up to a 3 year period.
Temporary tags are issued for up to a 6 month period.
There is no fee for the parking tag.
New York State Law requires all dogs to be licensed at the age of four months by the municipality in which the dog lives.
Licensing your dogs provides us with a way of making sure your pet is returned to you if he wanders off; and also with a way to reassure your neighbor that your dog has been vaccinated against rabies if an unpleasant incident occurs and you are unavailable. Sometimes, there's a case of mistaken identity, and we can confirm the ownership of a pet who enjoys exploring.
NOTE: There is no leash law in the Town of Spafford.

In 2014 the NYS DEC retired "combination" licenses (such as the Sportsman license) except for Lifetime Licenses.

You must be a U.S. citizen to apply for a passport.
Applications can be executed in this office. I do not issue the passports.
Application forms are available in my office or online
Bring the necessary documents:
- original or certified copy of birth certificate (it must have a raised seal),
- your driver's license,
- and a passport photo.
These are required for both Passport Books and Passport Cards.
Passport Cards are for land and water travel ONLY. They cannot be used for air travel.
Payment by check or money order to the U.S. Department of State is due when you submit your application. The Execution Fee of $35 payable to the Town of Spafford is also due at the time of application. The Execution Fee may be paid by cash, check or money order.
Any questions regarding your passport should be directed to the National Passport Information Center at 877-487-2778.
Please Note: Original Documents are NOT ALLOWED to leave the building
Email requests for records from the Town of Spafford should be directed to:
Please clearly describe the record(s) and the reason for your request. Electronic requests for records will be responded to via email. If the requested record is in an electronic format, or if the necessary equipment for creating an electronic copy of the record is immediately available, it will be transmitted via email unless the applicant clearly requests physical copies and the necessary fees are paid. If physical copies are requested, there is a fee of $0.25 per page copied.
Under the Freedom of Information guidelines, the Records Officer is allowed five business days to respond to a request. Any person denied access to records may appeal the denial within 30 days of the denial. Such appeals should be addressed to the Supervisor of the Town of Spafford, 1984 Route 174, Skaneateles, NY 13152.
F.O.I.L. Requests for Judiciary Documents: Judiciary documents are not subject to F.O.I.L. The Uniform Justice Court Act and Judiciary Law provide access to some records. Written requests are to be made directly to the Town Justice Office, 1984 State Route 174, Skaneateles, NY 13152.
- County/Town tax exemption forms
- School tax exemption forms
- Voter registration forms
- Absentee ballot applications
- Reflective address signs (sold on behalf of Borodino Fire Dept.)