Dog Control
New York State Law requires all dogs to be licensed by the municipality in which the dog lives.
Every dog 4 months of age or older must be licensed.
Dog Control Officer
NOTE: There is no leash law in the Town of Spafford.
Nuisance Dog
Onondaga County Resolution #25
New York State Law requires all dogs to be licensed by the municipality in which the dog lives. Licensing your dogs provides us with a way of making sure your pet is returned to you if he wanders off; and also with a way to reassure your neighbor that your dog has been vaccinated against rabies if an unpleasant incident occurs and you are unavailable. Sometimes, there's a case of mistaken identity, and we can confirm ownership of a pet who enjoys exploring.
Effective January 1, 2011 dog licensing is administered by the Town of Spafford, not the State. The license fee for spayed/neutered dogs will be $7.50 each; unspayed/unneutered dog licenses will be $15 each. Dog owners who are Senior Citizens (65 yrs and older) will receive a 50% discount on the license fee. (Note: we may ask to see proof of age.)
Renewals can be done through the mail: SIGN the form you received and send the entire document to the Town Clerk's office with a check payable to "Town of Spafford"; (the fee is listed on the form) and proof of a current rabies vaccination. Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. If you did not receive a renewal form, or have misplaced it; please contact the Town Clerk at 315-673-4144 or Mail the documents to: Spafford Town Clerk, 1984 State Route 174, Skaneateles, NY 13152.
Thank you so much for your help in keeping our dogs licensed!