Town Board Organizational Agenda
- Location, day and time of 2023 Town Board meetings
- Audit prior year financial records of the Town Clerk, Town Justice and Tax Collector
- Confirm and continue to follow current policies: Procurement; Investment; Equal Opportunity Employment; Sexual Harassment; Internet Usage; and all other policies listed in the Town of Spafford Handbook
- All officers and employees are required to complete annual Safety Training and annual Sexual Harassment Prevention Training
- Designate the Town's official newspaper (additional advertising will require Town Board approval)
- Allow the Town Supervisor 60 days from January 1 of this year to file the annual report with the Office of the State Comptroller and the Town Clerk (The report will be prepared by the Town's accountant)
- NBT Bank to be identified as the Official Town Repository and as initial repository of collected moneys by the Town Clerk and Town Justice
- M&T Bank as initial repository of collected moneys by the Tax Collector
- Authorize the Town Supervisor to invest idle funds with NYCLASS
- Authorize the salaries for the elected officials as set forth in the Town of Spafford budget
- Confirm the pay scale for Highway employees as set forth in the union agreement
- Confirm Highway employees are to contribute towards their health insurance premium as set forth in the union agreement
- Allow the Town Supervisor to purchase postage as needed for Town correspondence and payment of invoices
- Authorize the Town Supervisor to pay Town electric and telephone/internet bills as received and in advance of claim
- Authorize the Town Supervisor to pay Health insurance bills as received, and in advance of claim
- Confirm a 6 hour work day as standard for NYS Retirement System
- Designate polling locations: District #1 & District #2 - Spafford Town Hall
- Authorize publication of RFQ for road materials
- Deputy Town Supervisor with authority to sign checks and make deposits as needed when the Town Supervisor is unavailable
- Town Attorney
- Town Accountant
- Court Clerk
- Code Enforcement Officer
- Codes Clerk
- Planning Board Chairperson
- Planning Board Member
- Planning Board Secretary
- Zoning Board of Appeals Chairperson
- Zoning Board of Appeals Member
- Zoning Board of Appeals Secretary
- Ethics Committee Chairperson
- Ethics Committee Members (2)
- Town Historian
- Town Hall Custodian
- Dog Control Officer
- Planning Board Members to receive $25 per person per meeting attended
- Planning Board Chairperson to receive $50 per meeting attended
- Zoning Board of Appeals Members to receive $25 per person per meeting attended
- Zoning Board of Appeals Chairperson to receive $50 per meeting attended
- Board of Assessment Review members to receive $60 per person per day attended
- Set the mileage rate for Town employees traveling on Town business
- Confirm Town employees and officials may be reimbursed for meal expenses associated with attending meetings, training and/or workshops
- Confirm Town Board authorization is required prior to attendance when seeking reimbursement of costs associated with classes, meetings, seminars, etc. outside of Onondaga County
- Confirm annual permit fee for access to the Spafford Transfer Station
- Set returned check fee at $25 per check
- Mowing of the bell site at the corner of Bacon Hill Road and State Route 41
Association of Towns of the State of NY Conference Notice
Town Hall maintenance review